Your Mezuza Blessing
Mezuzas bring blessing and protection to you, both inside and outside of your home!
Authentic Mezuzas are handwritten by an expert scribe. They can be quite costly, running from $40 upwards.
Our mezuzos are made with Fair Trade Standards in the sourcing and production of each mezuzah.
Each one costs $80 to get one from scribe all the way to your doorpost!
Jewish Life at VCU is thrilled to offer you Mezuza for just $10!
Fill out the form and we'll get a mezuza on your door!
Not a student? Our donors will cover half your mezuza too!
A special thank you to the amazing generous donors and matchers that make this possible!!
You can sponsor a mezuza in the form as well!
For any questions, please contact Rabbi Friedman: